The benefits of blogging in today's social media environment have proven to be resourceful to many companies. Industry leaders such as Sprint and Cerner have adopted and utilized the power of blogging to create conversations with the people who are most likely to help their companies succeed: their consumers. The world of blogging can be both exciting and daunting. Here are some of our suggestions to help you on the job.
Create a schedule and find someone to hold you accountable. One approach is to make a list of all possible blog topics and address those topics on schedule and when compelled. If you are passionate about your business, you will probably find that inspiration comes to you easily. Accountability is the hard part, so find someone who can help you.
Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous. If you are inspired by an article or a quote from a thought-leader in your respective industry--post it! Tell people what you think about it. Your posts don't have to be long and elaborate or even well-thought out all the time. Post something fun (relevant to your audience of course) and see what happens. This is your world!
Pictures can speak louder than words. Find ways to tell and show your audience by posting relevant imagery for your posts. Like OU Dude up there, it doesn't have to be the most amazing image or win any awards, just a simple image that helps get your idea across. Use websites such as istockphoto.com or Google images to find pictures (remember to reference pictures when necessary.) We recommend uploading a picture with each post, or at least every other post. Remember to add videos and links to other sites too.
Determine your audience to set the tone for the conversation. Typically, blogging is a relaxed style of communication and a way for your clients to see your personality. Write as if you were talking to them person to person. Of course, depending on your industry use your best judgement to determine your voice. Are you a casual Friday company or a wear jeans whenever you feel like it company?
Hello World!
Remember to post links to your blog from your website homepage, your Facebook page, your Twitter page and your email signature. These outlets are great ways to get your blog noticed.
Commit to your audience by responding to every comment posted on your blog. Not responding to comments can alienate your readers. Thank them and continue the conversation with them. A little gratitude goes a long way.
Search Engine Optimization
Use keywords in your titles and throughout your content. When people search industry specific terms, your blog will likely show up in search results if your content is keyword rich --especially your titles.
We hope these tips are helpful. Please comment if you have any questions or if you have tips of your own!